
FTM makes you discover global business opportunities.

Free Membership

In order to expand your foreign trade, FTM Services are highly recommended. As a free member, you can use the below basic services to find your buyers/sellers.

1. Build your own homepage

Build your own homepage. It's free and easy to make! No programming and designing skill is required with our user friendly tools. After you register our membership, your homepage is made automatically in FTM

2. Post Products

In 'My Products' in My FTM, you can literally post and edit your products. To create a new product, simply click [Post New Product]', and input your products information.

3. Post Selling / Buying Leads

Buying Leads, Selling leads is where buyers and sellers directly post buying or selling trade offers. It is different from 'Products' in a sense that it is more direct and active buying and selling offers unlike 'Products' where sellers just post them online.

FTM Toolbar & Search Box

What is FTM Toolbar?

The FTM Toolbar provides several features including products search, buying leads search and selling leads search, Free Download / Quick Access, Toolbar is available for all FTM members.

FTM Home page

Takes you to the FTM Home page

Clear Search History

clears up the Toolbar search history.

Toolbar Options

Takes you to the Toolbar configuration page.

Search Box

A search box allows users to view "search history" in the drop down menu and to search by dragging droppingkeywords on the toolbar.


You can search products posted by suppliers. Through product search, you can obtain the lists of products with summaries, product profiles, product information, and supplier information.

Buying Leads / Selling Leads

You can search buying/selling leads from all around the world. Through buying/selling leads search, you can obtain the lists of buying/selling leads with summaries, product profiles, product information, and supplier information.


You can search companies from all around the world. You can get company information through company directory.

Global Buyer

You can search for buyers and send inquiries to the Worldwide Buyers.